Homework Aims:

To spend time with your child finding out about what they have been learning at school or what they will be learning at school the following week.

Reading Homework:

Your child will take their reading book home everyday to share with you but we would like it brought to school everyday so that we can listen to your child read on their nominated day (your child will know this day and it is written on their reading record book too).We hope that everyday your child will spend approximately 10 -15 minutes reading at home. This could be reading their reading book, common exception words, looking through magazines, recipes etc.

Spelling Homework:

Your child will be given a spelling book and they must take it home and return to school daily so that they can practise their spellings both at home and at school.

Click here for spelling homework.

Homework Book:

In Year 2 the children will be given their homework book every Thursday and this will need to be returned to school the following Wednesday so that it can be marked and more homework can be put it. The children should never be forced to complete their homework but we do encourage it to be completed. We aim to make homework fun and like to give more open ended tasks. Therefore you may notice that there are not lots of worksheets as we have found in the past that many children (and parents) find them boring to complete.

Extra Homework Ideas:

  1. Practise spellings
  2. Practise writing creative stories relating to the topic.
  3. Research more information about the topic.
  4. Practise number bonds to 10, 20, 30 etc up to 100.
  5. Practise times tables for 2, 5, 10, 3, and 4.
  6. Practise telling the time using an analogue clock.
  7. Practice using money, making amounts and giving change.

If your child is off school for any reason then please ensure that you read everyday, practise their spellings and practise the above Extra Homework Ideas.